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Superseding one version with another
add file

A document stores multiple versions of a file. You supersede one with another by choosing
. If you haven't added a file to an empty document yet, you
add file
In most cases, you'll use the appropriate tab to supply the file (from your computer, from elsewhere on the internet or by copying, pasting or modifying some existing plain or formatted text) and, if you want to, add deadline for comments on the new version.
You can also give some introductory information as a reason for adding a new version, for example 'this is the first candidate for printing' or 'please particularly check the venues'. This will under the document name and be incluided in any email invitiation you might send. This information will be copied from the previous version unless you change it.
If the previous version was a background for brainstorming (for plain and formatted text only) you may have reached a point where the new version is more finished, so you can turn this off.

Image captions

If you are superseding an image, there is an additional tab add caption or amend caption which is to allow image captions (which are treated like a second page) to be managed without affecting the image itself.

Ouch, it says all sorts of things may be a problem

Sometimes you and your colleagues can get under each other's feet and you end up changing the same file at the same time. We try to help you avoid this as much as possible and warn you when we think it has happened.
You will avoid a lot of problems of this kind by always choosing before starting to make any changes to a file. As well as letting you download the copy you need to work on if you don't already have it, it lets other people know you are working on it when they make changes that might conflict with yours - such as downloading a copy, or even making comments on it.

Where did you get your file from?

If you aren't the original author and you haven't ever downloaded the document you are proposing to supersede, then how did you obtain the file you made your changes in?
You might have got it by email from a colleague or by some other means by a back door route. But do you then know it is the correct version? - best to check. Or maybe you are accidentally superseding the wrong document! We're not being bossy or disapproving, it's just that you are apparently doing something that could mean you replace the older version with an inappropriate one.

Are you working on an older copy?

If someone supersedes the version you are working on, you could overwrite their changes by uploading a new version based on a previous download. We tell you when this happens.
This may be a mistake (which could have been found out earlier had you done first).
Equally, there are very valid reasons for doing this. You may want to abandon changes in the top version and start again from an earlier one. You can download earlier versions by choosing , choosing the version you want, and then or .

Someone else said they're editing

If someone else is editing the file, we'll let you know. If you also said when you started then you should already know this.
Either way, one of you will have to merge, lose or abandon their changes.

Moving a version between documents - the 'selected' tab

Sometimes your file is already in an Ensembling document somewhere else. For example, someone may have added a new document when really it should have been a new version of an existing document. Or maybe the version was deleted and you want to recover it.
You can transfer it to the correct document:
  • first, just the document you want to transfer the version from (it will be in the Deleted Items folder if you are recovering a deleted version)
  • go to the document where it is wanted
  • choose the 'selected' tab.