Did you know...?
faq hints tips
Here's a few pointers to things you may not know you can do with Ensembling.
Reposition a comment
Just press and drag the red proofmark (or either bracket, for comments
spanning an area) to reposition a comment.
Reorder contents of a folder
Just drag the thumbnail for a document or folder to its desired
position in the folder. Note that this changes the folder for
everyone, not just how you see it.
Like a slideshow


buttons to the right of the
list of ancestor folders let you step through the contents of the
immediate parent folder rather than having to go up to the parent and
then down to the next document. This is particularly useful for a
folder full of pictures.
Brainstorm ideas
using plain text or
formatted text and tick (check) the brainstorm box and you get a
doucment where the text of comments is displayed on the page as well
as the comment box. Like a whiteboard, this is useful for collating
ideas for soliciting things like agenda items, shopping lists and
content ideas.
More about
Email a document to any folder
Project participants can email documents as attachments to any
folder they have access to. Use the number of the folder as the email
address: for example if the folder page is
https://www.ensembling.com/4321 then the email address is
4321@ensembling.com. See
publishing for conventions that allow you to do even more with
Get word counts for all documents in a folder
If you choose when viewing a
folder, as well as getting a list of all the comments made on
documents in the folder (and sub-folders) word counts for each
document are listed.
Convert to PDF
All text documents (not pictures, yet) are converted to PDF before
being displayed. You can get the PDF file using
the button. The main purpose of this is to
collate comments in PDF style, but it works just as well to get the
PDF on its own.
Put a document in more than one folder
Well, almost. If you a
document you can then use
(on the menu) either
to move the document or create a cross reference to it. This is
similar to Window's shortcuts and Unix's soft links.
Be sent an email to remind you
Set a
reminder on a document or
folder to be reminded about it some time in the future.
It's an issue tracking system
You can have emails coming in to
dead letterboxes
(folders set up to receive emailed or externally uploaded content)
organized automatically by thread/conversation and the
colleagues dealing with them. Just by checking/ticking the boxes
incoming emails are sorted for you providing a way of tracking them very like a
ticket tracking system.
You can change image sizes and formats
Uploaded an image which is way too big for the purpose? You can
an image with a resized version of itself and/or
change its format. Just choose the 'reformat' tab. Because this makes a new version,
the original is still there as an older version if you need it. (This is not the same as
which just changes the size of preview images).