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Take care with your download

In order to print or otherwise read an original document you need to download it (that is, copy it to your computer) and open it using a program appropriate to the kind of file.
If you want to make changes, you should use instead, so other people get to know.
just retrieves the file for you straight away. However, if someone (possibly you) has said that they are editing the file, then you will see a warning to that effect.
Also, you will be told if you are not downloading the newest version.

Why does it say this is not the newest version when it is?

If your window says you are looking at the newset version, but we are telling you otherwise. it could be that someone has superseded the file with a new version but your screen has not been refreshed since. We check every so often if someone is changing the file under your feet, but we can't check continuously (or you may have said you don't want to know).

Why might I be 'overwriting changes'?

You may sometimes be told that you are in danger of overwiritng some of your changes. If you previously said you were editing the file, then presumably you downloaded it or already had a copy to do so.
So if you now download the file, especially as it probably has the same name, you might accidentally replace the one containing changes with this new copy, or get confused about which file is which. Of course, if you're downloading it specifically to start afresh, that's fine.